Grantee's Stories
Harris County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, Place 2
Legal Resource Center
The Harris County Justice of the Peace Court, Precinct 1, Place 2, delivers impartial and timely justice while prioritizing access to justice by ensuring that all litigants have the resources and services necessary for a fair resolution of their legal issues. With the support of a $25,000 grant from the Texas Bar Foundation, the court established a Legal Resource Center to assist self-represented litigants and members of the public served by Precinct 1, Place 2. This initiative primarily benefits individuals who are economically disadvantaged and underserved.
Baillie Milliken, Judge Steve Duble, William G. Hagans, Laura Gibson, and Alistair B. Dawson smile during the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Legal Resource Center.
By repurposing underutilized space in the courthouse, the Precinct 1-2 team, in partnership with the Harris County Law Library and with funding from a Texas Bar Foundation grant, created a Legal Resource Center equipped with the technology needed to access a wide range of digital resources, including legal forms, via the internet. The center also offers printed materials to assist individuals who face challenges due to the digital skills gap—a gap that predominantly affects economically disadvantaged populations. Furthermore, information about community services available to support economically fragile individuals is provided in both digital and printed formats.
The photo shows an interior view of a Legal Resource Center. It includes a virtual kiosk desk, chair, and bookshelves stocked with legal materials, and a Virtual Court Kiosk. A sign on the wall above the shelf indicates that the center is provided by the Texas Bar Foundation.
“Thank you to the Texas Bar Foundation for awarding the generous grant that made the Resource Center possible. I am happy to report that the Legal Resource Center is being used and that we have volunteer lawyers, law school clinic students, and laypersons acting as facilitators and helping people with their legal issues. If anyone wants to volunteer in the Resource Center, contact Derek Kelly.”
– Judge Steven M. Duble, Justice of the Peace Precinct 1, Place 2