Grantee's Stories

El Paso Teen Court Program

A $4,350 grant from the Texas Bar Foundation will support the City of El Paso Municipal Court’s Teen Court Program. The Teen Court Program was started five years ago and is a real Justice Program run by teens for teens. The funding from the Texas Bar Foundation will provide over 40 juvenile volunteers with training from licensed attorneys and municipal court judges, while they gain legal and judicial knowledge.

El Paso Municipal Teen Court Program

El Paso Municipal Teen Court Program

The teen volunteers are trained in the roles of Court personnel, including juror, attorney, prosecutor, bailiff, and court clerk. Juveniles who are charged with a Class C misdemeanor offense and ordered to attend court have the opportunity to have their case dismissed if they comply with court orders of the Judge and teen court volunteers. In addition, they must also then serve as a juror for future hearings. This allows the defendant to also participate in the legal environment in a positive manner.

(L-R) City of El Paso Prosecutor Carlos Armendariz, City of El Paso Municipal Court Judge Michelle Morales, Legal Defense attorney Lenard Morales and City of El Paso Municipal Court Associate Judge Manuel Parra

(L-R) City of El Paso Prosecutor Carlos Armendariz, City of El Paso Municipal Court Judge Michelle Morales, Legal Defense attorney Lenard Morales and City of El Paso Municipal Court Associate Judge Manuel Parra