Terry Lee Grantham Memorial Award

The Terry Lee Grantham Memorial Award was endowed through the Texas Bar Foundation in 2014 by Terry Lee Grantham’s family and friends who were so richly blessed by his love, friendship and presence in their lives. The award is given in memory of Terry, who lived and practiced law in Lubbock, Texas, and passed away in December 2012.

As an enduring tribute to Terry’s life and work in the practice of law, this award is made annually to an outstanding Texas lawyer. The award celebrates Terry’s life as a gifted and committed man and lawyer who devoted himself completely to every task he undertook. Each recipient of this award must exemplify the qualities of an accomplished, talented and dedicated practitioner, a servant of the profession and an advocate for those we serve, demonstrating dedication and service with the same passion that defined Terry’s life and work.

In addition, the Texas Tech University School of Law, where Terry graduated in 1982, will receive the cash portion of the award for student scholarships in the study of energy law, Terry’s primary area of practice.

Recipients of the Terry Lee Grantham Memorial Award

2015 Harrell Feldt, Kerrville

2016 Forrest Bowers, Lubbock

2017 Otway B. Denny, Jr., Houston

2018 Professor Thomas M. Featherston, Jr., Waco

2019 Talmage Boston, Dallas

2020 Sara E. Dysart, San Antonio

2021 Terry Bentley Hill, Dallas

2022 Keri D. Brown, Houston

2023 Mark A. Shank, Dallas

2024 Richard A. Cantu, Mission